Monday, August 11, 2008

29 Never Looked So Good

¡ Happy Birthday Dan !

I could go on and on about how wonderful Dan is, but I'll try to limit myself to my top favorite things. He's so patient, he's willing to help anyone who needs it, he never complains, and he has so much integrity. I greatly respect how he gets up and goes to work every day for God's glory, not man's approval or personal gain. He loves me so unconditionally and he also happens to be the funniest guy I know!

I love you Dan, and I hope you have a Super Terrific Day!


Anonymous said...

nice to see you guys really are 'in the zone' even when you're not with us. zone was on offer at Tesco's today - bogof!!! Happy Birthday to Dan! - kellie

Bridget Beth said...

Happy Happy birthday Dan!

sarah said...

Kellie - I'm glad you noticed the "Zed" in the pictures. I thought of you guys when I saw it there!

Anonymous said...

That ice cream cake was super tasty :D

e said...

The best 29th birthday party ever! Happy Birthday to wonderful Dan! And the moniker you've given your blog. ;)