Monday, March 9, 2009

Stats and Stories

Hazel is 9 weeks old today. She had her 2 month checkup on Friday and she's in the 50th percentile on weight - 10lbs 15oz, and 75th-90th percentile on height - 23 1/4 inches. She is smiling now and is trying so hard to suck her thumb.

She got to meet Uncle Brian this weekend, which was a special treat. Hopefully in May she'll be able to meet Auntie Kellie.

So if you've met Hazie-Mae you know that she's not a screamer. We've been so blessed to have a pretty mellow, easy going baby. She's only really wailed three times. Once at her 2 week checkup when they were taking her blood, once on Friday at her two month checkup when they gave her 3 shots, and once on Saturday night when I was feeding her while watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy did a dance off with Cameron Diaz and it made me laugh really hard. (If you've heard me laugh, you know it's a bit on the louder side). It must have been quite loud because it spooked Hazel into a complete frenzy. She cried just as hard as when she got her shots the day before and it took me at least 3 minutes to get her to calm back down to finish eating. It was pretty funny; (both Jimmy Fallon and the fact that my laughter terrifies my daughter)!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Gosh darn it! She is such a cutie! her eyes are just so bright and smiley!

Chris used to scream when Kevin got excited over a sports game - would send him into a complete tizzy!