Saturday, February 21, 2009

Week in Review: Good Food

It's been a good week, not to mention delicious. Last Saturday, Valentine's Day, started out with coffee, yogurt parfaits and presents. I got Dan three shirts and he got me Joe's Jeans! Then we headed to Pike Place for a bit, sampling nuts, perusing kitchen stores, and eating Humbow. After coming home for Hazel to eat, we went to Bell Square to eat dinner at Pagliacci Pizza and to drop off our Jeans at Nordstroms to be hemmed. (I had picked up some Joe's for Dan at the rack the day before). It's still shocking to me that we each got the other a pair of jeans that actually fit perfectly (except length).

My new Joe's
One of Dan's new shirts

On Sunday we celebrated Jordyn's third birthday with burgers and cake, and on Monday, President's Day, we had our first Movie Night since Hazel's birth. 17 people came!!! We had pizza and watched Dave, and kicked everyone out by 9:30pm! (We're not quite back to normal sleeping yet).

Pictures not relevant to story, just cute shots of Hazel

On Tuesday night I made Pulled Pork Sandwiches for the first time. Dan loves them, and I have to say I'm quite the fan now as well.

On Wednesday we had dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory to celebrate birthdays in the Roundhill family. mmm...half meat sauce, half Mizithra!

Then on Thursday I attempted the crazy...I when to get my hair done with Hazel! She actually slept the whole time, but it was so nerve-racking before and during! That night, Dan had a sleep study at Harborview and I thought he'd actually get a good night sleep, but it's just never right when you're not in your own bed.

Friday I made Pork Tacos and homemade guacamole, and we washed them down with Gin and tonics! (The crock pot has be come my new favorite thing, just put in a roast, and liquid of sorts, and dinner is done in 4-5 hours).

Then today we walked to the park since it was so sunny and ventured around the lake and to the chocolate shop before heading home. And tonight we'll have Pork Enchilada's with the left over pork from the tacos.

I heart food, Dan, Hazel, and Joe (of Joe's Jeans)!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Wow! You certainly have been busy! Great pictures!