Monday, May 4, 2009

4 Months Old

Click on the picture to enlarge
Hazel turns four months old tomorrow. She had her check up today and all was good! She's 26 inches long which puts her in the 95th percentile in height, but she's only a little over 13 pounds, which makes her about the 30th percentile in weight. Out of the last 6 nights she's gone 3 of them with no nighttime feed...sleeping about 10 hours straight! I can't believe how big she is, and all the new things she can do, but I've heard that between 4 and 6 months they change so much more!

This is one of our favorite faces that Hazel has made since she was born.

We had afternoon tea with Hazel's Great Grandpa and Grandma Roundhill yesterday. And we had dinner with Great Grandpa and Grandma Irwin last week. It's such a blessing to have so much family. (Hazel has all 8 of her Great Grandparents)!!!

Irwin's (from awhile ago)

We leave for Scotland in 2 days...I can't even believe it. I have mixed emotions. SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see everyone there and for Kellie to meet Hazel, but still quite nervous about Hazel dealing with jet leg of an 8 hour time difference. I also have yet to start packing, Yikes!!! Please pray for health, safety, and easy time transition.

Dress from Bridget


Bridget Beth said...

Good grief. The mohawk, the smiles, the's all too much. She's just too cute!

Susie said...

Sweetness! Wish I could have seen you all yesterday - so very close! Sadie is doing just fine!