Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A post of nothingness...

Feeding is going better, which is a huge blessing.

15 weeks old

Hazel has the cold I got last week, but hopefully it will be gone before we leave next Wednesday.

We stayed pretty low key this month, not venturing out much due to sickness and Hazel not eating well, but we're starting to socialize again! It's good to be with friends.

I find Church to be kinda difficult. It's two hours long, so I have to feed Hazel right before if she's gonna make it through, and I've become that person, who say "the music is too loud!" Plus, sometimes Hazel just doesn't want to be quiet and listen to Mark preach, which is weird I know. But it's good to go. It's just getting motivated to go that's the problem.

The nicer weather has been fun. Hazel now fits in her Ergo, so we go on walks together. Well, she barely fits. As you can see, just her little eyes peep out.

I can't wait to see Hazel and Sadie grow up together. They're already pretty cute. They nap and hold hands together!

Last random tidbit for the day: Something I no longer do since having a baby...wear jewelry. I rarely get earrings in, and I don't think I've worn a necklaces since Hazel was born!


anne said...

Your daughter is so stinkin' cute!

FYI - I used to work in the nursery when we attended Mars Hill. They are good at loving on babies! Hint, hint. :) You should check them out next week. They'll even let you hang out in the nursery until you feel comfortable leaving (whether it be 10 minutes, the 2 hours, or a few weeks).

Brian Terreson said...

Ooh! those Hazel and Sadie pictures are adorable.

arabelle marie said...

I can relate to the no jewelry thing. I haven't worn my wedding ring in a while. I always ended up scratching the babies while I'm feeding or doing something.

Susie said...

Darn it that little girl just gets cuter and cuter! Ummmm...is Sadie going to have Hazel withdrawls? I can pretend to be you - but I am no Hazel substitute! :)

I am just now (and you know how long its been since my kids were young) getting into the habit of wearing jewelry more often. One tug that nearly tore a hole in my ear was all it took!

lightening1 said...

I am so excited for Thursday!!!! I finally get to meet Hazel Mae! What a beautiful baby. I love her HUGE smile.