Sunday, August 23, 2009


August has been quite a month, full of extreme highs and some lows. I've blogged about a lot of the highs: our anniversary, Dan's birthday, Lakeside, and Hazel's cuteness! But the lows are kicking our butt.

Dan's had a big work project this month that's had him working lots of overtime (luckily mostly from home). Last night was the launch and he went into work around 2am not getting home until 11:20 this morning!!! He's sleeping now. Hopefully this is the end of the craziness. I'm pretty sure it launched so he should be done with it.

And as for me, little Miss Mae has been going through a crazy growth spurt, eating every 3 hours around the clock! I've been quite exhausted. She was sleeping from about 8pm - 6am with a feed, then sleeping til 9am. But this month she's been all over the place with sleeping, and she's been eating at least twice at night if not three times. I think/ hope and pray, that it's slowing down a bit. She's going through some huge development changes too (crawling, getting up on her knees, pulling her self up to her knees) and the "books" say that this will mess up the sleeping for a bit too. All in all, she such a delight, so you can't be too upset, especially with a face like this!

All this too say, we're kinda ready for August to be over! I'm so glad Dan's project is done, and hopefully Hazel will start sleeping better soon.

We went out to dinner on Friday night (Yelp-Friday, as we call it), to an Indian restaurant in Bellevue. It was called Monghul Palace, and it was super delicious! We got Butter Chicken and Coconut Curry and well, this was the end result:

We wiped the bowls clean with the Naan!
Hazel just played while we were there

This was at the Gordon's birthday party last night...Hazel loves her Andrew, just as much as we do!

And a Happy Birthday Shout out to my Brother Brian today! Hope you had a good one. (This is his fam this summer in Northern Ireland).


Me... said...

O man, I know how those developmental stages are, Logan is in one right now :( He used to go to bed with without a sound and sleep 12 hours, now all of a sudden it takes a good hour to get him to sleep and then he wakes up in the night and gets up early. It's so frustrating, but hopefully it'll be over soon, hang in there!
She's really adorable :)

arabelle marie said...

Hey babe! Hazel is gorgeous. I hope the month gets better for you all. I'm feeling like it's crazy as well.

Let's try to get together when I'm there. I'm flying in the 31st and will be there for some time.
