Friday, January 15, 2010


It's been a good year...and I'm not referring to the last 365 days, but rather 2010. (Not that the last 365 days haven't been good, they've been quite good, just for this particular blog post, I'm referring to 2010...the last 15 days). Haz and I have started a new schedule. She's down to one nap in the early afternoon, and we've begun the weaning process, dropping one or two feeds in the afternoon/evening, substituting them for solids at Lunch and Dinner time! We both are enjoying the new routine.

These are some of Hazel's current LOVES:

Her Daddy - Probably my favorite thing everyday is Hazel's reaction to Dan coming home from work. As soon as she hears the key start to unlock the front door, she drops whatever she's doing, smiles ear to ear, and gets in the crawling position. Once Dan walks through the door and she sees his face, she bolts straight for him, grinning and giggling!

Books - She got tons of new books for Christmas, and she loves looking through them...and eating them sometimes too.

Gymboree - We try to make class on Mondays, and we usually go to open Gym once or twice a week as well.

The Window - She still enjoys gazing outside...She even got under the curtain the other day when it was pulled shut.

Baths - She always has loved them, but she got bath toys for Christmas from Auntie Erin, so now the bath time takes more like 20 minutes instead of 5.

To talk - She talks (babbles) non-stop now. It's super cute. She looks at you and talks away, as if you understand her every word.

Third and Bird - I don't really let Hazel watch TV...except for Third and Bird. It's a British Cartoon about Birds with English accents that say things like "Brilliant" and "Trousers". It's super cute and Hazel loves watching it. We had some youtube episodes, but for Christmas, Mollie Ashworth gave her a DVD! And Aunt Kellie gave her some books and a CD of some of the stories. She dances when the intro song comes on...and gravitates towards the books. And I have the CD in the car, which always keeps her awake on the way home in the mornings before her nap.

Must have been an intense part
Hazel's 1 year check up is on Monday...It was scheduled for earlier this week, but due to her new one nap routine, it conflicted with nap/lunch time, so I pushed it back. I also pushed it back to try and fatten her up more. She weighed 18lbs at her last check up 2 months ago...she weighted 18lbs a week ago...So with the push of LOTS of food, I've gotten her up to about 18.6lbs as of today, and hopefully a bit more over the weekend for her appointment. I don't want them to make me come in for another weight check a month later. To give it a little perspective, the Gap size chart for babies says 6-12mo clothes are for babies who weigh 17-22lbs...12-18mo clothes start at a weight of 22lbs. However Hazel is super tall, so she needs the 12-18mo clothes in length, just not width!

Anyways, that's what Hazel has been up to this year: eating, play time with dad, reading, eating, gymboree, window gazing, eating, baths, talking, eating, Third and Bird, and eating!

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