Monday, January 4, 2010

Party Girl!

We had two family birthday parties for Hazel this weekend. She did quite well, and really seemed to enjoyed them, (even though she had a bit of a cold).

Hazel likes to sit on top of things. If her highchair tray in on the ground, she climbs on and sits there. She did the same with her gifts. It was pretty funny.

Dan and I got her this Rocking Hippo for her birthday. We actually got it like 9 months ago when Baby Style was going out of business. Hazel LOVES it! We didn't let her see it til Saturday at the first party. She was instantly drawn to it. The pictures captured her excitement quite well!

The theme was purple, after the purple hippo gift. (I couldn't find any purple hippo themed things). I made Coconut cupcakes and Chocolate ones. The coconut ones were hands down the best cupcakes I've ever made. Thank you Martha Stewart! Hazel seemed to enjoy them too!

Birthday Party Success!


Bridget Beth said...

Happy Birthday Hazel!

These pictures are so perfect! I love her sweet smiling face :)

Our growing family said...

yea! happy birthday!
LOVE the purple hippo theme! =)
you should design stuff and sell them-I know others would love purple hippo stuff too!

Susie said...

Way to go Hazel Mae!!

I thought those coconut cupcakes were awesome!