Sunday, December 14, 2008

This is how I'm really doing...

My blogging comes in waves, and here's why: My pregnancy seems to be going in weekly cycles...Every other week is either good or bad, and I don't blog during the harder weeks, (which is good cause it would just come out as complaining I'm sure).

Three ago I felt huge, and I had some back pain and I was more emotional. Then the following week I felt great (which I blogged about). I felt mobile, comfy, and quite good for being 36 weeks pregnant. Then this last week came and it was BRUTAL! I had back spasms that would send shooting pain down by leg because my ligaments are so loose in preparation for baby to come. The pain was so intense it actually took my breath away. Friday was the worst! My back was seizing a couple times an hour, and nothing seemed to make it stop...

...But then Saturday came, the new week, the change in cycle. I only had one or two spasm, my spirits were up, and it was a much better day! So I'm hoping for another good week. (Well truth be told, I'm hoping baby girl just comes and ends the pregnancy all together)!

So now I wait. I have my hospital bag partially packed, I have the laundry done, and Dan and I finish wrapping all our Christmas presents this morning. And I wait. It could be today, it could be another 3 weeks. But I pray each day that today is the day I get to meet baby girl!

38 weeks - 2 weeks til she's due!


Bridget Beth said...

You are soo cute.

I'm so sorry for the pain! It sounds absolutely dreadful. I hope she comes sooner than later!

sarah said...

Thank you Bridget! Dan and I went out for 4 Star Spicy Thai tonight. (My max was usually 2 star). I'm trying to smoke her out tonight!

Anonymous said...

4 Star Spicy sounds like a good idea! Such a beautiful picture of you and your beautiful bump. You look great!!! Love you so much, Kellie

e said...

Was it really 4 stars or do they take you for a weakling like me? Seeing you twice this week was the BEST.

sarah said...

Kellie - Thank you! The picture was for you and Julie. You'll have to show her.

Erin - It was a 3-4, but I added some of that red hot stuff, and it made it a solid 4! :) Hopefully the weather will not keep us apart tonight!

Susie said...

Hang in there! I know its no fun at times.

I keep praying for you - that this little girl cooperates and does not come in the middle of a snowstorm or too much ice!