Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Time

I knew this month I'd either blog a lot, or hardly at all. So many blog worthy things, so little time! Family Christmas has begun! Brian and Kellie are in town now, and we all headed down to Peter and Sarah's in Portland last week. My mom and her husband came us as well. We celebrate Christmas with mom, and 6 birthdays...meaning we ate A LOT! It was so fun to have all 8 nieces and nephews together. And we got to meet Eden, our newest niece.

Bundled up from the cold

We went to the Children's Museum with Pete and Sarah one afternoon. Hazel was actually big enough to play around this time. It was fun to watch her explore.

These three girls are all one year apart. Lexie turns 2 today, Hazel is 1 in about 3 weeks, and Eden was just born 4 weeks ago. It will be fun to watch them all grow up together.

This is what the "big" kids did in the evenings. They'd eat dinner crazy fast, and head upstairs to Pete and Sarah's room to play Super Mario Brother's Wii!

This is from Ethan's Birthday on the 7th at the Jensen's before we went down to Portland.

And this is the Whole Gang...2 Grandparents, 6 Parents, and 8 kiddos!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Looks like you all had tons of fun! So awesome that Hazel has cousins so close to her in age!