Thursday, December 17, 2009

Laughter is Contagious

I just had the most wonderful evening with Hazel. I know she's not even one, but she brings me so much joy and delight...we both laughed so hard tonight. She would squeal with delight, which would make me giggle, which would make her laugh, which would make me laugh. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. It was so refreshing!

Here's how the evening played out. We both ate a bowl of pasta with basil and olive oil, (mine also had tomatoes and Parmesan cheese). It's fun that we can eat the same things now; she's just getting so big. Then I was done and ate a piece of dark chocolate, and Hazel signed "more". So I fed her half of jar of PeachBananaOatmeal. Then she signed "more", so I fed her some sweet potatoes. I can't believe how much she packed in!

After dinner we played on the floor of the living room while Rick Steves told us of London in the back ground on the TV. Then I got out her walking toy and the laughter ensued! She's never walked so fast with it. She went from living room to dining room and back and forth for like a half hour. She was ecstatic! So happy, so proud, so giggly. We laughed and laughed, (the tickling helped). These next pictures were taken consecutively as she walked right past me. They're blurry cause she was moving so fast and I was just using my camera phone.

Then I put her in her new jammies...I love the stripes! They're a little bit long, but her old ones are too short. This picture is blurry too, cause this kid wouldn't stop wiggling tonight! She had so much crazy giggly squirmy energy!

Then I fed her and put her down at 8pm...she was out by 8:05! The two or us had such a great evening!

Hazel is truly a delight and gift from God! She's such a blessing to Dan and I and we thank God for her daily!

1 comment:

arabelle marie said...

Love it. I'm so happy for you two. She is a blessing.