Monday, December 28, 2009

Soooo Good

December was so fantastic! I got to spend so much time with my family. I'm sad it's coming to an end. Pete and Sarah left to go back to Portland yesterday, and Brian and Kellie fly out for Scotland on Wednesday.

I learned some things as well this month. For starters,
I realized I do much better at my house then other peoples homes. Hazel is just at that stage where she wants to crawl around and explore everything. My house is "Hazel Proofed" so it's not a big deal. I feel like I'm hovering over her at other homes and then I have to take the breakable ornaments, for example, away from her, which only makes her upset. She naps and feeds better at home too, which puts me at ease. Plus, I feel so blessed when my house if full of people, especially eating meals together. It fills me with so much joy.

I try to be a flexible mom, but it's hard. I noticed I was able to enjoy the meals and times at home so much more. I was relaxed and comfortable, even though I was feeding 8 adults and 8 kids. Entertaining is my gift, so it's a joy not a stress. Is that me not being flexible or is that just life with an almost 1 year old? Sarah, my sister-in-law, is such a flexible, relaxed, amazing mom. She just brought 4 kids, of which Eden was only a month old, up to Seattle with Pete, and travel from event to event without a blink. I have no idea how she does it. I admire her so much as a mother.

I do regret, if that's the right word, that I didn't get to enjoy Christmas Eve as much as I wish I would have. Hazel was tired from lack of nap, wouldn't nurse, and was cutting a tooth...All this to say, I was exhausted and missed out on enjoying the holiday with the Roundhill Family.

So much family, so much love, so much food. December was really was such a blessing. To celebrate Christ's birth all month with the ones I love...Doesn't get much better than that. The tree is down, the daily routine is back, and the dieting has begun. I'm looking forward to the New Year...which starts out by my baby turning 1!


Susie said...

I understand how you feel! I often still feel that way! It is sometimes the stress we put on ourselves when we are in others homes more than what is actual stress. :)

christy said...

It's ok. I am more like that too. Case sleeps best at home and he has never was a super flexible baby - it just comes programmed in them sometimes!

Anonymous said...

you are a fantastic mother and Hazel is amazing!!! I always found that age stressy too. miss you already and had such a wonderful time. K x