Thursday, September 17, 2009

Booger Face

Poor Hazel. She has quite the cold. She hasn't been sick much in her life, I think only one other very mild cold last spring. But this one's a doozy. She hasn't complained much at all (meaning she hasn't been fussy or anything), she just has a harder time sleeping cause she can't breath! Poor kid looks miserable. Boogs down the face, and eyes slightly swollen and seepy. She's a little more on the mellow side too, and is sucking her thumb more than usual.

My love language is definitely touch. Hazel's is anti-touch. She's never been a cuddler, and hates to be rocked. But she's been waking up at night more with this cold, so I've actually be able to use the rocking chair we bought to rock her back to sleep. I love it! But I hope she feels better soon, cause I feel so helpless when she's sick.


Susie said...

Poor Hazel! It is so hard when your little ones are sick - it breaks your heart! Wish I could say it got easier when they get bigger - my heart still breaks a little when my guys get sick. Praying for Hazel to get better soon.

Me... said...

there's nothing worse than a sick baby! Poor little thing, treasure the time you have rocking her :) Who knows mabey she'll turn out to be a cuddler, Logan started being more so around two and i love it:)

Bridget Beth said...

Poor Hazel!

I secretly enjoy it when Finn is sick because he sleeps in and I get lots of snuggles, too! ....And of course I feel bad for him :)

sarah said...

Melissa - I've heard that too, that they can become cuddlers later. Oh I hope Hazel does.

Bridget - Hazel has slept in til almost 10am the last two mornings! It almost makes up for her extra feed at night!