Saturday, September 19, 2009

Update on Booger Face

Well, things got worse yesterday. Instead of being slightly out of it and boogery, Hazel was crying really hard on and off all day, and couldn't nap. (She's doze off, and then wake up moments later crying). After every ounce of me was drained, I called and made her an appointment to see the doctor. Sadly she had gotten an ear infection. Poor poor kiddo.

She's doing pretty well this morning; she's smiley and happy. She still has gobs and gobs of snot streaming down her face, and has that kinda dazed look in her eyes, but hopefully she's on the mend!


arabelle marie said...

A method I use with sick kids is give them meds if they need it, take a steamy bath with them. Have everything ready for when you get out then use the nose-sucker and get it all out. Feed them and put them to bed. Works great for you and baby. I've had several 3 am baths with fussy babies.

Hope she feels better. Just had a sick Elijah myself.

Susie said...

Poor Hazel - ear infections are no fun! Praying she heals fast and that you both get some rest.