Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Run In At The Grocery Store

Something happened yesterday afternoon, that I've always wanted to happen...I ran into someone I knew at the grocery store!

Let me go back a few years to explain...At our Church, Mars Hill, we have midweek community groups (CG). Our church is so large, that this group really becomes your church family. You're supposed to be in community with these people. It's more than just a bible study, you share life together, eat meals together, and help one another out. For example, these were the families that brought us meals after we had Hazel. Until recently we never lived close to our group. When we were in Puyallup, our CG was in Federal Way (about a half hour away). Then when we moved up here we started going to a group in Issaquah, (again about a half hour away). We do a lot in Issaquah, (Costco, Trader Joe's, Gymboree), so it didn't feel to far away, and it felt like we were somewhat involved in that city. We recently felt lead to change groups, and when I looked online, I found that there was now a group that met about 2 miles from our house! We've been going for about a month and a half and it's been great to really feel the sense of community IN the community we live. There's been a big push at our church to serve and be involved in your local neighborhoods. So it's been nice to go to a group where "your local neighborhood" that everyone lived in was actually the one we lived in too.

And it finally happened! I ran in to someone from our group at the grocery store! It probably sounds silly, but it made me so happy. The idea that we're getting to know the people in our city is exciting to me. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense, but as Hazel and I strolled back home from the store (we walked down today since it was so nice out), I couldn't help but smile and be glad!


Lindsey said...

It makes so much sense. Going to Ballard for 5 years and living in FW, we rarely saw people and had a lack of community. But now there is the FW campus and all the new C. groups we bump into people all the time and it is very comforting. I am glad you found a group so close to your house. Having kids it makes it so nice not to have to travel so far for group:)

Susie said...

I don't think it is silly - I love seeing people I know in the grocery store. It really makes your day!