Friday, November 6, 2009


Last night was the strangest, longest night...or shortest, depending on how you look at it.

For starters, all the food I gave Hazel before bed, didn't help her go longer between feedings. She fed often, and even had a 5 minute freak out during one feed. But I'm working on plan D, which is a repeat of plan here's hoping.

But the craziness started at 5:30am. Sadie woke up and was making quite a bit of noise so I turned on the light to see her stumbling around. I told Dan something was wrong with Sadie. I put her on the bed. She couldn't use her back legs, her head was tilted, and she was rocking herself a bit. Yah, something was really wrong with her. We kept her in bed with us...but I couldn't sleep. She was being so weird. At 6:30am Dan looked online to see what time our vet opened, which was 7am. So he jumped in the shower and took her in.

The vet opens at 7am but the doctors don't come in til 8:30am...kinda strange. So he dropped her off and we waited for a phone call. (He brought home Americanos, ate breakfast and headed to work an hour early, which on the plus side means he gets to come home an hour early tonight)!

He got called and Sadie has one of three things...Old dog Vestibular disease, which is an equilibrium thing, or she had a stroke, or it's a brain tumor! It's probably the first, which just goes away after a day or two. They're giving her meds, and I guess waiting it out. Dan's supposed to call again this afternoon to get an update.

Soooooooooooooo weird. As some of you know. I have been debating getting rid of Sadie since we had Hazel. We have a Love/Hate thing going on. I LOVE love love Sadie. She's a great dog, and is super cute with Hazel. I HATE having a dog right now. We have no yard, so we have to leash her to take her out, and it's much more complicated to do with Hazel. Plus I have no patience with her and her normal dog needs: food, cuddles, etc. We keep going back and forth. Keep her just a bit longer til we move and get a house, or just throw in the towel.

I am a bit embarrassed to say, but both Dan and I thought this might be the end for her this morning...and we were both ok with it. Horrible thoughts, I know. Well, long night/early morning, and no real answers yet, but I'll keep the Internet posted when we know something.

Here's the last pic I took of Sadie

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