Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What's On My Mind

November has been a bit strange. (Warning: my thoughts are all over the place this morning, so this may be a bit scatterbrained).

For starters, dealing with Sadie was awful. It was hard to see her suddenly invalid and draining to care for her. Then it was hard to let her go. The day after we put her down was brutal. I kept saying, "she's just a dog, why does this hurt so much." I prayed that God would take away the pain, and he did. I've been much better since. It's strange not having her, but it doesn't hurt anymore.

Then little Eden, who was born last Thursday, has been back in the hospital the past few days with what my brother called, Jaundice gone bad. (Everyday a human breaks down and disregards red blood cells. When that happens it creates a biproduct wast called Bilirubin. Basically you and I have a "1" count of Bilirubin. Newborns break down more blood so a typical count for them is 10. If your Bilirubin count goes to 30 it can cause serious brain and nerve damage). Edens count was 23. The saddest part to me was that she had to be in this light therapy chamber thing, and they couldn't hold her. I can't imagine not being able to hold your new baby. BUT...she's doing much better now. As of last night her count was down to 14 and Sarah was able to take her out and nurse her and hold her for a bit. Hopefully they'll be able to take her home in a few days.

Thanksgiving is about a week away. How did that happen! I'll confess, I'm the one that starts listening to Christmas music November 1st, and sets up my tree as early as Dan will allow! But this year, I think with all the craziness, I just haven't gotten into the Christmas mood yet. Last night I put on my favorite Christmas album, Sarah McLachlan's Wintersong, to try and entice me...but it didn't really work. I'm super excited for December, because we're going to spend so much time with my family (going down to Pete and Sarah's, my mom is coming there too, and Brian and Kellie will be here). But it still seems so far away.

November started out rough, but this week has been a breath of fresh air. Shopping with Dan on Sunday, Movie night Monday, and Bible Study last night. I think November is turning a corner. Holidays are time is almost here. God is good.


Susie said...

God is good and I am glad to hear He has eased your pain over Sadie's loss. I have not quite gotten into my holiday mood yet either - course things have been a bit out of kilter here so that may have something to do with that. Looking forward to seeing you on Turkey Day!

arabelle marie said...

Hey...I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I was praying for you guys.

I am definitely in the Christmas mood. Shopping and being here is adding to the fun.

About jaundice, ALL of our kids had to be under the lights as little as three days to as much as a week! It is stressful, but by number four, it was a lot easier and we expected it.

I'm glad your November is looking up.

Robica said...

I'm so very sorry about Sadie. When we had to put our family dog down a few years ago, it was awful. I cried like a baby. Thinking about you and wishing for a much better December