Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Things On My Mind...

1. I'm exhausted! Hazel has been feeding a ton a night and nothing I do seems to make it stop!

2. Hazel cut her second tooth on Wednesday...(this could have something to do with my first point).

3. We just got The Swell Season album, Strict Joy. I'm listening to it this morning. I told Dan it sounds like "Once 2". And he said, "wouldn't 'Once 2' need to be called 'Twice'?" I thought it was quite funny!

4. Hazel's poop smells like poop now! It's gross. (For those who may not know, baby poop smells different...not good, but not gross. Once they start solids more, it all changes)!

5. I'm super excited for Halloween tomorrow. Hazel's gonna be a little chicken! We're going down to Dan's Sisters for dinner and trick-or-treating.

6. Hazel loves pulling herself up to look out the window. She stares out there forever.

7. I'm having a harder time with the fact that Hazel is turning 10 months next week. I don't know why. Maybe cause it's double digits. It just seems too crazy.

8. I can't wait for December! Brian and Kellie will be here, and Pete and Sarah will have their new baby girl. Christmas is great, but Christmas with the whole family is Epic! Brian and Kellie haven't been here for Christmas in YEARS!

9. I've been dreaming a bit about Hazel's first birthday party...I'm thinking a purple hippo theme, but it's proving harder than I thought. So if any of you see purple hippo party things, let me know!

10. It's Friday...Thank you Jesus! At one point, I wasn't sure I'd make it through this week. Hurray for the weekend!


Our growing family said...

Hope you get some sleep soon!
Could you make hippo stuff with construction paper or the computer? It sounds like a great theme-I love it!
say hi to kellie for me!

arabelle marie said...

Ditto on the purple hippo--very cute. I'm exhausted as well. All I can say is, Hooray for Jesus.