Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flu and Pumpkins

Well it's been a crazy weekend. Thursday night I came down with the flu. I didn't go to the doctor, so I don't know if it's swine or regular, but I would guess swine only cause it seemed mild for the flu. We were supposed to go out to a fancy dinner with Dan's co-workers Friday night, but instead, he brought home Pho for dinner and we vegged out on the couch for the evening. Saturday we just laid low with a few ventures out for errands. I will say that this flu is pretty crummy, but it's a thousand times better than the stomach flu. I HATE the stomach flu.

There's something special about Pho when you're sick

Today the sun came out, so I really wanted to go to the pumpkin patch to get some photos of Hazie Mae...So I loaded up on Advil and we headed to Remlinger Farms. From looking at facebook, it appears that everyone went to a pumpkin patch today. In October, if the weather is nice, especially on a weekend, you have to take advantage.

She got her shoes dirty for the first time!

This evening, we made breakfast for dinner, and just lounged around trying to regain some energy. (I think Hazel has the bug too, but she's been handling it really well). Here are some shots of her crazy curly hair. She was sweaty from the fever, so her hair got extra curly.

Hazel LOVES books

1 comment:

Susie said...

SO sorry you all were sick! But the photos of the pumpkin patch are sooo cute! Hope everybody is on the mend!