Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mom Question

I have a question for all you mom's out there...What sippy cups do you like? I've heard that you have to just try a bunch out until you find one your kiddo likes, but I don't want to buy a million sippy cups. Plus most come in 2 packs, and I really don't want a tons of cups Hazel wont use. So I thought I'd ask and see if anyone out there has favorite brands and styles that their kids liked.

And to clarify, this would be for a beginner cup user...


Our growing family said...

I like the handle ones you have shown in the picture for the beginner. Or the ones that are thinner so they can hold it.
Usually, each kid seems to like a different style or, it's always seemed to be a hit and miss for that first frew months as they learn!
I also heard about Born Free sippy cups which don't have the "bad" plastic. If we need to buy anymore sippy cups in the future, I will buy some of those!

Our growing family said...

ps...if possible get the ones with more of a bendable plastic "plug"...the harder plugs are harder to wash out well!

Me... said...

We used the sippies in the picture and Logan liked them, but to begin with we used ones with a softer tip. I can't remember the name of them but they didn't have handles. Sometimes when we were first learning Logan would use the handle ones and drink from it backwards, he wouldn't get anything out until he figured out how to turn it around. For us the wore out or you'd loose one sometime so a few extra is nice :)

christy said...

We like the Nuby ones from Wal Mart - less than $2 each. :)

As far as leak proof (we have tried several) and my favorite is the Gerber cup. It has 1 piece that pops out that you can dish wash, but it is great for Case so he can walk around with milk and not spill. Good luck!

J Yo said...

I second the nuby cups that Christy mentioned...they're the best! :)

arabelle marie said...

I prefer nubys as well. They cost the least, and work the best. Just bought a couple last week for Elijah. :)