Monday, October 5, 2009

9 Months Old

Hazel Turned 9 months old today! She still just army crawls around everywhere, and now she gets up on her knees and then goes to sitting, and then pulls herself up on things. She's been doing it for the past month or so, but she really mastered it in the last day. She's been pulling herself up onto the couch all day long, and last night at 11:30pm I went to feed her and she was standing in her crib, so Dan had to lower it down. Then this afternoon she was standing in it again...I have no idea how she reached and pulled herself up. (However it's low enough now, that it's ok if she's standing in there). I'm fearful for tonight...she keeps pulling herself up, and then I think she's kinda stuck. I'm not sure she knows how to get down.

She still loves Sadie...the two together make me laugh. She kind of pesters Sadie, but she takes it well. Hazel crawls over to her and pulls her legs, ears, or fur, and Sadie takes it for a bit, then gets up and walks away, out of reach.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it on the blog, but Hazel has her Daddy's long eyelashes. I love them! I always told Dan he had Mr. Snuffleupagus lashes cause they were so long and kinda draped over his eyes. Hazel will love this when she's older!

Today was a full day. I had a doctors appointment first, and Hazel did alright. She just chilled in her stroller.

Then I took Hazel to her appointment. I think she had more fun at hers (aside from the shot).

She's grown 10 inches since she was born! She's 29 1/4 inches long (which is the 95th percentile) but she was only 16 lbs 6 oz (which is only in the 5th - 10th). The doctor was a little concerned about her weight (but I'm sure it's just from her cold, she wasn't really eating any solids when she was sick a week ago). It's crazy to think that she gained 1 pound in August, when she was going through that feeding frenzy, and she didn't gain anything in September (or gained then lost weigh when she got sick). I have to go in in a month for a weight check. The doctor told me to give her high calorie foods, like butter and full fat yogurt. Her exact quote was, "when she has pancakes, put butter and syrup on them." When she has pancakes? Hazel has never had pancakes or anything that solid. She hasn't had much aside from pureed food...except Cheerios. She loves her Cheerios.

On a completely unrelated matter, last night we bundled up and walked down to Starbucks. Hazel was wearing her pink sweatsuit. We call her "Little Mac" when she wears it cause she reminds us of Little Mac from the Nintendo game Punch Out when he's running/training in New York.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Such a little cutie!

You need to take her out for french fries - that will put the weight on her! :) And I bet she will love them! Of course that may just be the crazy aunt talking. And that aunt had really hefty babies - maybe if she had not fed her babies so many fries...