Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our Little Chicken!

She was so funny in the costume. She's super skinny (only 10% in weight but 95% in height) but her cheeks are huge and oh so kissable. When we put on her poofy costume, all you could see was her huge cheeks and she looked like quite the rolly-polly baby!

She couldn't put her arms down all the way (like in the movie A Christmas Story). And she kept toppling over, from being a bit off balanced.

But she was one cute chicken!

We went to Dan's sister Rebecca's house to trick-or-treat with Jayden and Grace (Indian Jones, and Tinkerbell). All in all, a successful first Halloween for Hazel.


Brian Terreson said...

Oh these are so great, Hazel is so adorable! Also- Nice Indy costume there, love the marker stubble.

Susie said...

Aaaahhh!! These are the times I wish my kids had cousins their own age! Do you think the boys would go for cute costumes anymore?